Selecting a daycare camera provider

Once a child care center owner or director decides that it’s time to install a streaming video system the question is… “Where do I start?” This article will answer that question and many more. After reading this article you will have all the tools you need to select the best daycare camera provider for your situation.
First, let’s deal with these initial questions:
- Can’t I just do this myself?
- Can’t I just hire a local computer guy to do this?
The answer to both of these questions is technically, yes.
However, to get the whole picture we need to look a little deeper. As it turns out there is more to it than just getting some cameras installed.
Let’s ask ourselves, what will a premium child care camera provider offer me that I can’t do myself or that I can’t hire a local “computer guy” to do?
What premium daycare camera providers offer
Tech Support – Do not underestimate this aspect when selecting a streaming video system for your child care center! Are you set up to take support calls from that grandmother who is trying to view her grandchild on her new Android tablet? Will you have a dedicated staff member to do email support for that mother who is trying to get around the firewall at her office?
With premium daycare camera providers you get dedicated support staff ready to help via phone or email at all times!
A local “computer guy” may be able to hang cameras in your facility but he will not offer dedicated support for your parents after the install.
One last thing about support. Not only will your parents receive dedicated tech support but you and your staff will as well. When you need help saving a recorded video, changing camera names, updating the recording schedule, or have any problem with the system… a premium provider will be there to take care of you!
Your Daycare’s Website – What does a camera provider have to do with your website? A premium daycare provider will also build, host and maintain a website for you! This is one less thing you have to deal with!
Proper Streaming & Device Support – As we covered in the previous part of this article daycare cameras should be streamed differently than a traditional surveillance system. With a traditional camera system each user will connect directly to the internet service at your building. There are several problems with this related to bandwidth usage and internet speed. A premium provider will have your parents connect to a dedicated streaming server instead. This will guarantee a much better streaming experience than a traditional camera system.
One last thing on this point. Many traditional camera systems will only play on a small number of devices (computers). A premium provider’s system will work across many types of devices and operating systems. Laptops, desktops, tablets & phones with ease.
Time Tested! – A premium daycare camera provider has been in business for a long time! If they have been in business for over 10 years you know that you can probably trust them to be around for many more! Unlike the person who sells you cameras over the internet or the local “computer guy” you know a premium provider will be there for you!

Hopefully the information in this article will help make selecting a provider for your daycare cameras much easier.
Some childcare centers have unknowingly signed up with companies that use low quality “daycare webcams” instead of quality streaming video cameras. If a center advertises daycare video check with them to make sure that it is the streaming daycare video system!